

Mary at the distaff

Mary at the distaff

Mary sits in the protected, sacred feminine space, where the masculine can look in but not enter. This space exists in all of us, regardless of whether we live in a male or female body. It is deeper within us than our feelings and thoughts. The waves of emotions and the swirling associative thoughts cannot penetrate here. This secret place of the soul opens only with silence. It is filled with the ability to receive; here is the seat of the unconditional readiness to say yes, whatever is given externally or internally, it is the seat of mindfulness. Here it is possible to spin the knotless thread of one's own life out of the raw material received.

Hits 583 Author Agnes Hidvéghy Categories Christianity



Christmas as My Painful Experience of the Incompleteness of this World And the necessity of the birth of John the Baptist


Agnes Hidveghy A chapter of the book “The Birth of Light”

The Figure of John the Baptist

John the Baptist is a powerful figure in the Christian tradition. However, he remains far away from our immediate experience, not only as a historic figure, but also as a personification of something that prepares the way for the birth of the Divine in us. The question: “What does he have to do with me?” is fully legitimate.

Although I knew about his special role as the inner witness and lived with this over many years, he remained for my understanding in a vacuum with his special function. I could not connect him with the concepts I was familiar with. Only after I had worked with the strong and painful memories of my childhood, it became clear to me where and what he is in my inner world.

I could verify him in my mature old age through the descriptions of my experiences at Christmas time in my early childhood. These memories of the state of being at that time became alive. Being a small child, I did not have the concepts to describe these experiences, but in the light of recognition the formulation now becomes possible.

Hits 2932 Author: Agnes Hidvéghy Kategorie: Christianity


About the Holy Spirit

This morning seemed to be a good time to talk.

Reijo: I am astounded when I see how long it takes to see anything, to understand the meaning of what is written or said. Examples of this are the meanings put into the expression “the Holy Spirit” or the “Holy Ghost”. I know that to fully understand anything it is important to let it grow; in this way, a more complete picture of the whole becomes visible.

Hits 1812 Author: Reijo Oksanen Kategorie: Christianity


Birth of God in us

Birth of God in us

Without the virgin Mother, without purity and listening (and hearing) - the birth of God (in each of us) cannot take place. We need to "hear" the Word of God, to be able to give birth.

After hearing the Word, a long time is needed to let the child grow - He needs nourishment, which only the Mother can give. This is a long process and can take tens of years.

The main obstacle is how we can be able to purify ourselves to become the virginal Mother.

Hits 1662 Author: Reijo Oksanen Kategorie: Christianity


Birth of Light

The Story of the Birth of Christ in Us


"God became man."
That is the Christmas message.
Here and now, in the present and
always, everywhere in the universe.

Hits 2134 Author: Agnes Hidvéghy Kategorie: Christianity


Anonymous: The Hymn of the Pearl

Imbedded within the Acts of Thomas we find a beautiful and complete statement of a classic Gnostic myth describing the exile and redemption of the soul. The text is known both as the "Hymn of the Pearl" and occasionally as "Hymn of the Robe of Glory". What astounds most is that such a clear rendition of the Gnostic mythos survived within a text which residing for centuries on the shelves of orthodox archives.

Hits 1935 Author: Agnes Hidvéghy Kategorie: Christianity