Mary at the distaff

Mary sits in the protected, sacred feminine space, where the masculine can look in but not enter. This space exists in all of us, regardless of whether we live in a male or female body. It is deeper within us than our feelings and thoughts. The waves of emotions and the swirling associative thoughts cannot penetrate here. This secret place of the soul opens only with silence. It is filled with the ability to receive; here is the seat of the unconditional readiness to say yes, whatever is given externally or internally, it is the seat of mindfulness. Here it is possible to spin the knotless thread of one's own life out of the raw material received.
The hem of the cloth on Maria's shoulders marks an even deeper, hidden, dark space from the neck to the pelvis. The golden image of the child shines in this dark space. In the space where not even Maria's gaze can penetrate.
Mary, the virgin soul in all of us, spins the fine thread. For this, she receives the material from above, from the unformed, from the invisible. The thread only arises through receiving at the level of the throat chakra: through her unconditional yes. The thread runs through the image of the child and slides through the other hand to the spindle, close to the floor. Tension is necessary, so that the thread can be turned — but it must not be too heavy. Between both hands the thread of life is twisted out of what is given and sanctified by the child of light.
The thread between both hands runs through the solar plexus: It is "mixed" at the same time with what arises in us: Reactions, impulses, "human" states of being. They would tangle the thread if they were not intentionally braided — twisted into the thread. Uninterrupted attention, unconditional surrender are necessary so that a knot does not form, and the thread does not break.
An uninterrupted YES. To everything that appears on the screen of consciousness. It is easy to say yes to beauty and light. Affirming the experience of human imperfection is more difficult. It is necessary to say yes to EVERYTHING that IS. Whether I like it or not: to my limitations, to my fear, to confusion and righteousness, to ambition and indolence, to pain and well-being - also to my inability to say yes to something.
The male head is at the same level as the receiving hand of Mary. The child is not visible with the “head”, the clothes cover it. The "head" must also be pure. Without emotions of expectation, without curiosity, without evaluation and comparison from the past and without fear of the unknown: Only the immediate recognition of the sacred. This is someone, who is looking with a clear, intelligent facial expression, one who is active out there in the world in a responsible manner. The traits reveal an ability of realization, sensitivity, alertness. Is it Joseph? His condition also corresponds to unconditionality; that makes it possible to recognize what is happening in this sacred feminine space. Selfportrait of the artist who knew this space within himself?
In all of us this space is open, accessible. And in all of us there is a "Joseph of our being": That which has grown within us, what enables us to exist outside in life and to be active in a meaningful way.
What is beyond this feminine space remains hidden behind a stuff. This space will be opened from within — when the time is right.
Until then we will practice using the material of the received material, which is continuously available, to spin the thread of our life with equanimity in steadiness. The thread from which fabric can be woven. Fabric for clothes - for future generations.
… And in secret, protected from every glance, the divine child, the “light of the world” grows here, so that God can become human. In each of us.
I wish everyone an internalized Advent season and a Merry Christmas. A conscious participation in the cosmically significant winter solstice of this year, which will have decisive effects for the next centuries.
Agnes Hidveghy
Author; Agnes Hidvéghy Kategorie: Christianity
Über den Author
Agnes Hidvéghy
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