
What do I feed with my substance?

8. I want to eat,

and I want to be eaten. – Amen.

New Testament Apocrypha Acts of John, Manichaean Gospels of Leucies (one of John's Companions)

What do I feed with my substance?

Everything that exists needs food and everything that exists serves as food.

A peaceful meadow in May. It is a world of "eating and being eaten”. The caterpillar eats the leaves and flowers. Insects hunt each other and birds (as long as there are some) hunt insects that need smaller animate beings as food. This „food chain“ describes one sequence of reality: The reality of the „cosmic food chain“, which leads from the primordial matter of Big Bang over man to the unity of all Being.

When we eat a radish, it must die, but we do not hear it’s cry of death. Whether we are vegetarians or not, life is sacrificed to make us live. Let us accept the sacrifice with gratitude, knowing that the law of creation is realized through us! Also, because eating gives us pleasure.

Man needs three kinds of food:

  1. The body needs physical nourishment.
  2. The soul absorbs nourishment by breathing.
  3. The impressions are spiritual nourishment.

All three pass through one octave of transformation, each until they are "digested“. How this happens is an extensive theme.

Physical Nutrition

In order to build a crystal, it it needs the appropriate atoms from which it is built. It builds a new form, converts shapeless bulk into its own crystal form.

The plants need minerals so that they can form organic matter. Each plant creates its own form.

Animals need plants to build their animal body. They transform the vegetative into animal matter. A gazelle transforms grass into its body and its abilities. A lion cannot transform the grass, but he is able to digest the gazelle.

Man consumes mineral and organic food from which he feeds his body. His ability to transform them also allows him to produce finer substances: Substances of emotions and mental abilities, such as thinking, recognition and consciousness.


Natural breathing is sufficient for man to exist in the service of evolution. His soul remains yet trapped in the multitude. In order for the soul of man to become independent of life and death, conscious breathing is needed.


„Man is what he eats.“ In the field of third food, this saying has an even greater significance than in the physical. We often suspect that our „mental digestive system“ absorbs something it cannot digest. Life - especially in childhood – nourishes us with impressions that we are unable to digest. We consume unneeded food, too much, even toxic, without worrying about it.

Everything that exists is a cosmic transformer.
Man is a cosmic transformer.

Every thought, every emotion is a subtle substance that we produce. What do we feed with it? Or: „What eats us up? “

It is our responsibility to "become tasty food“, as Reshad Feild repeatedly urged us to do.

In the „food chain“, what serves as food must die, at all levels and in every dimension.

This makes the exhortation of the Sufi clear:

"Die before you die".

Author; Agnes Hidvéghy Kategorie: arssacra

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Agnes Hidvéghy

Agnes Hidvéghy

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