Cosmology in Art


The Veneration of Mary, the Octave and the Enneagram: The purpose of human being in the creation and the cause of his suffering.

I am repeatedly asked, if the relationships and connections that I point out in works of "Sacred Art" could have been put in them intuitively. I consider this impossible, because of the demon-strable complexity of exact mathematical and geometrical ratios. It would be more of a miracle if such works had indeed been created intuitively rather than as a result of knowledge that we can hardly imagine or understand from our view of the world. Understanding these is the pre-requisite to be able to receive the essential message of Sacred Art.

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This work is one of the most beautiful examples of the expression of the ancient knowledge in pictures, it belongs to our spiritual heritage, one of the roots of our Christian ideas. It was pre-served for us 2'000 years through the explosion of the Vesuvius in 79 BC. It transmits “The Knowledge” in the way of the end of the former Age of Aries: the suffering-attitude of the last 2'000 years of Pisces. In this sense is its expression in a way nearer to us in the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. It is amazing, that this room is the one in the best condition in whole Pom-peii! Holy messages have their own life, and they find the way where they are needed.

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Dionysus unites in himself both human and divine heritage and after a process of transformation he is accepted as God into immortality, into Olympus. He is called the "thrice born“. Over time, I realized that Dionysus was essentially the forerunner of Christ. This Dionysus has nothing to do with the run-down popular figure of the drunkard. The knowledge of the octave was obviously known in the inner circle of this mystery school.

Jacob Willemszoon de Wet was a student of Rembrandt and he had himself a larger circle of pupils. He obviously received the idea of the octave in his training and, as his image of „wor-ship“ shows, he also understood it as an inner way of realization. His paintings also testify that the knowledge of the law of the octave was known in the Dutch schools of painting and was conveyed as a structure of the spiritual way of man. In the individuals of his images, the psychic states of the different stages of the spiritual way are clearly recognizable