Octave / Enneagram


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What, then, is this fundamental cosmic structure where the audible musical octave that we know originates? If we can see that the musical octave is a manifestation of such a fundamental structure, the question arises: Does this underlying structure also give rise to other forms of manifestation? Is it related to processes such as our own lives unfolding in time?

If the musical octave is the expression of a fundamental cosmic principle, then this formative universal structure is worth of becoming the subject of our inquiry.

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I saw the Enneagram with a special order of the planets and the two lights. It was a flash from nowhere, which touched me deeply. I thought that it is beautiful to have got this kind of in-sight, even when it is not the answer to my question. I needed about three weeks to understand that it is exactly the answer I was looking for. In the next month the Cosmogram opened more and more up.