arssacra team

Agnes Hidvéghy

Agnes Hidvéghy

Founder arssacra

Born in 1935
Grown up in Budapest
Teacher qualification for mathematics and physics
Married 1954, family
Escaped from Hungary 1957
Since 1957 living in Switzerland

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Reijo Oksanen

Reijo Oksanen

Reijo was born in Helsinki 1942, heard of Gurdjieff and also the Orthodox Way in 1962 and came to London to join the Work in 1967. He moved back to Finland in 1971 and joined the Orthodox Church. In 1990 Oksanen moved to Denmark and in 2004 to Switzerland. After a long career in textiles, clothing and furniture industries, he set his mind into putting Gurdjieff properly into the internet.

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András M. Nagy

András M. Nagy

Design and realization new

IT Sepecialist, biology building, Feng Shui, biological gardening


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